Monday, February 16, 2004

Software blues part II

Are you a software engineer? Are you married? How many hours do you spend with your family?. I am sure most of us, just want to avoid these questions and carry on with the job but just pause for a second and think of the family that is living for you, wife who is waiting so that you would make it on time at least twice in a week, children waiting to see your faces before they go to sleep. You get married to stay together; you have children so that you can groom them along. You never set out to take this job so that you peacefully forget your family and carry on with whatever you do. Just think yourself in your spouse's shoes, you will feel the pain.

I think, we software engineers are setting wrong examples as far as personal life is concerned. As a bachelor, we try to hang out with our friends in places like Pubs, cafe shops, restaurants just because we can afford it but we never think whether it's absolutely necessary to do this, spend like this. Once in a while, things look great, but I am sure most of us do this daily.

I remember once I asked a question to my manager that why can't he give me a soft loan as he has the permission to do so, the answer was simple, "just because I have the access to the money, I shouldn't spend it as I like..". Just because we can afford such great prices for simple things, we shouldn't encourage such practices. Today, a decent food in a IT City comes at a price and Nobody is there to be blamed for this but for software people. Anything you pick in an area near IT park, you pay a price for it. Same facilities in other places is normal except for areas where people are dictating terms for software people. Our same people who feel proud of the services that we do to the nation by putting ourselves in the IT map are doing this.

It's high time that someone intervene and put an end to this, otherwise even drinking water would be rocketing in such places, what's the use of IT when civic amenities are sky rocketing. Our government gives so many discounts to cos. setting up offices in the city but doesn't care about it's own people working there, strange isn't it. In this field of software most of things are strange because nobody's cares about other things but for earning a million from this field.

Can something be done to stop this ! just think

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