Tuesday, March 23, 2004

Ga Ga

It was not long back that I published one article regarding GARUDA the volvo bus service from APSRTC. I think I have penned down things in a rush, there are more reasons for highlighting APSRTC as I have discovered them in my latest trip to Vijayawada. Look at these.

1. All buses are Bharat-I and Euro-I emission compliant
2. They give an awesome mileage of 6 KMs / L
3. They all have speed lock, which prevents the bus from accelerating beyond 80 KMs / Hr.
4. Some of them have Global Positioning System attached (tried as a pilot), which enables the passenger in other stations to know the location of the bus at any point of time.

More reasons to travel by one now...

Reach me at hifromsriram at HOTMAIL.com
Goof up of the year

Just when you thought that Maruti has done everything right from slashing prices to airing ads where Sardar kid jumps all around, you get this heart shocking ad. The ad reads out

Happy? then you must be having a Maruti

Here they have assumed that the answer would be Yes, what happens if the answer is No?, yet the reason is Maruti?

Reach me at hifromsriram at HOTMAIL.com