Tuesday, April 27, 2004

S Sriram - Scotland

Sridharan Sriram finds a way to Scotland, he has arrived here and would be playing for a Scotland side. The move is aimed at bringing some discipline and professionalism to the Scotland side. May be People back home thought that Sriram is not a professional and didn't include him in the team.

Some may debate on Sriram not being loyal to his team, but what would a person do sitting idle and waiting for a call from a team which would never do so. There is this man who has braved the circumstances and there are others like Sadagoppan Ramesh and Shiv Sunder Das, who are waiting for a call from national side. This is not the first time such a thing has happened, I still can remember Kambli, deciding to play from a South African side. My thought is that in a land of billions, only 15 or 20 get a chance to play for a national side, it doesn't mean that others are not capable enough to find a place. So, the answer is migrate like Deepak Patel and make a name for yourself.

Reach me at hifromsriram at GMAIL.com

Monday, April 26, 2004

Great Weekends

Last weekend was the first time, I got out of my room to see the world around. I don't drink or smoke, but I choose a bar next to my hotel as my hang out place. Soon, I was joined by two Glasgow residents, one Irish international and one English woman. I was accompanied by one of my Punjabi colleague.

We all had a ball talking about our cultures, religions and the kind of people in our country. I managed to click two photographs of the gang. Few things that I learnt from them

1> People in Scotland doesn't like them to be called English, they are OK if you call then British
2> Whisky is a product of Scotland while Whiskey is from America and other countries

Reach me at hifromsriram at GMAIL.com