Wednesday, February 18, 2004

Open it up

Group of guys talking "thu bhi...chal re...bore mat kar". If you enter this scenario then you would take these guys as white collar gundas or people without manners, that's how corporate world would put it but these guys are just enjoying their work. No barrier exists between these guys, they communicate in whatever language they want and in whatever manner they want, no bureaucracy, what others want from them is that they should work together and achieve the objective. At the end of the day nobody should be complaining about anything and they are achieving that quite easily.

I can remember people waiting for emails to start their jobs even though they might be situated next to you, Thank God those days are gone and now what we have is a real open culture, I am not talking about the buzz words of the MNCs but what I feel when I go to work is what I am expressing. Designations and management levels are things of past, what we have now is respect for co-workers and the objective of maturing together. This kind of culture is really heartening to see and I am sure most of the Indian companies are yet to break their shackles and that's because of us (Indians) only.

Informal atmosphere is what that keeps people motivated. Companies tend to do whole lot of things for people to get comfortable but if people around you are irritating then I am sure all those thousand things will not make you happy. I remember one of my friend who is working as a clerk in an Indian firm, has a habit of getting 'pan' for his boss. I ask him, what if you tell NO for which he is s##t scared. You can't help it and have to wait for your bosses to die and get replaced by someone else who is more mature and is exposed to this open culture. I really pity those guys who toil day and night to earn their living in such suicidal environment.

People admire such companies as world leaders, pioneers but nobody is concerned about what they do internally. I think there should be some report which should get opinions of people working in all big companies and publish them, it's high time that we live with such stupidity in place.

Reach me at hifromsriram at

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