Monday, February 09, 2004

First day first show
The impression of my new company was ooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhh, such a beautiful
building, I should have trusted the words of Suman but you know, how trust worthy he is :-).

Well inside this beautiful building I entered starring at a whale sized reception looking for that HR guy who interviewed me, I was not at all nervous, thanks to some earlier experiences of entering a new company as a new recruite. Dozens of people sitting besides me made me comfortable for I know that the guys at the reception is not only looking at me but others also there to grab their attention, I made myself comfortable by picking Economic Times to start with and then diverted to Times of India, cricket was un-stoppable.

The momemt came when finally I met a guy from HR, he was a different from one with whom I was talking but neverthless my first contact with a person, all dreams ended here the guy didn't even shook hands with me when he heard that I haven't brought the papers with me... I didn't panic, I said this is the way I have come from Indore, it was just a small fault but if you say then I shall join on Monday to which the HR guys wanted to have discussion
amongst themselves, when they came back it was obvious that they wanted me to join on the same day with an assurance that I would be giving them the papers on Monday (The ever dependable Nags and Sam gave me the strength to say YES to them).

My joining process started, I was given to fill just about 50 page document, it was enough to give me headache, I somehow managed to fill all the documents given by them, it took me nearly 5 hrs....but at last I met my
project manager (a medium aged guy), I didn't made the mistake of calling him Sir, I called him by his name and introduced myself. He lead me to a group of Lotus Notes professionals who were already in the job, 90% of them
were tamilians, so it gave me enough opportunity to know abt the project etc...etc..(Suman, I know you don't like etc..but please adjust). By the time I made my face look familar to them, it was 6 and it seems they
are just back from San-Fransisco and so they decided to call "Bandh", I went with the gang and sat down in Shanmukha(Old friend from my previous employer)'s cubicle to write down this note....well this was the one for which I was waiting the whole day long.

So far so OK (I wouldn't say good, the HR guy should have shook hands with me)

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