Friday, April 16, 2004

Taking wings

Yeah, I think I will do it this time around. I would most probably fly to Glasgow which is in Scotland this weekend. I am taking a flight to London and then to Glasgow from there.

It's a maiden visit for me and I am very much excited about it. I shall be updating my blog regularly with all the photos and the events that I come across, so don't miss. Till then good bye!

Note: Last time I had similar plans to go to Blythewood and after all the preparations the trip got cancelled. So, till the time you hear from me, nothing is certain :-)) my friend.

Here is a perfect example of un-certainity from my to-be-autobiography - Journey of a thousand mile

My manager once denied me off a decent incentive and this is what he had to tell - "Nothing is certain in life, in life we can talk only of possibilities. It was just a possibility that I could have given you a decent incentive. Remember only mother nature can assure you that the sun would rise from east every day...".Isn't that a nice reason to deny a decent incentive.

Reach me at hifromsriram at

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