Tuesday, April 20, 2004

Got a compliment

Today I got a compliment from an Admin guy in our office, he said "Inspite of being from India, you have a good English....". When I had asked about the other Indians working in the office he says, half of the time they talk in their own language. His perception is valid, he thinks that Indians are not comfortable in talking in English and that's why they converse in their native language. His perception could be wrong but what amazes me is that Indians tend to talk in their native language in front of Englishmen.

People who said to me that don't speak in Hindi was seen conversing in Marathi with their fellow counterparts in India and when I was in a call from India, people asked me why are you talking in English, are you trying to impress?. Can we change a little?

Reach me at hifromsriram at HOTMAIL.com

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