Tuesday, February 24, 2004

Headstrong and Haughty

We software professionals think that we are superior to others, that is we earn more money as compared to engineers from other streams and so we become headstrong. We think that everyone in this world should have at least average IQ level and we even think that stupids have no right to exist and they should die but think, we may be stupid to people around us. We never realize this fact, I think the money we earn takes away all the human values from most of us, we try to be aggressive always and at times we become arrogant.

I can quote one instance when I was traveling in a bus, I was holding the same seat as by another person and this person turned out to be a software engineer. When he approached me to know my seat number, he screamed as if the world is falling down "Oh s##t, it can't be possible". I told him, cool down and told him to take his seat, I resolved the issue with the ticket conductor. The boy didn't realize that I am also a software engineer because of my attire. As these young grads perceive, a software engineer needs to be in denim and t-shirt with sport shoes. A stop came where we got down to have our dinner, we were given 20 minutes to gulp it down and our own SE sat down to get a grand dinner, he ordered all the things that he could try to show off that he has the money. We all finished our dinner and were in the bus but for the SE who was enjoying his food, the ticket conductor screamed at him in local Marathi+Hindi and his English didn't work now, he climbed the bus and everyone was seeing our dignified SE with such a grin that he could barely lift his head.

I somehow get a feeling that we software engineers are headstrong and we should try to be polite and cool down at times. We may know all the things in life but there are people who are superior to us and superiority doesn't mean rudeness in any dictionary. I think because of our attitude and likes to jazzy things we are robbed royally by even the illiterates. Just think!

Reach me at hifromsriram at HOTMAIL.com

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